Hazrat Ali (ra) describes his migration and honorable attitude toward the pagans: "I know none other than Umar who migrated without concealment. When he was ready to travel, he put on his sword, put his bow on his shoulder, took his arrows in his hand and went to the Kaaba. Leading members of the Quraysh were sitting in the courtyard of the Kaaba. Once he had walked around the Kaaba seven times, he performed two prayers at the rock of Abraham. He came one by one to the pagans sitting in circles and said, "Faces have been polluted. Whoever wishes to leave his mother childless, his children orphaned and his wife a widow, let him follow me in this valley." None of them had the courage to prevent him. -- Call your earthly passions to account before you are called to account. Weight your earthly passions before you are weighed. Prepare for that greatest of days when you will come to Allah with nothing hidden. --- The person I love most is he who tells me my mistakes and flaws. --- Justice is the foundation of property. --- The most powerful victory is piety. --- One of Hazrat Umar's most frequently recited prayers was "O Allah! Make all my deeds pure and unsullied for Your approval. Involve nothing other than Your approval."
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